23 research outputs found

    Model Inversion Attack via Dynamic Memory Learning

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    Model Inversion (MI) attacks aim to recover the private training data from the target model, which has raised security concerns about the deployment of DNNs in practice. Recent advances in generative adversarial models have rendered them particularly effective in MI attacks, primarily due to their ability to generate high-fidelity and perceptually realistic images that closely resemble the target data. In this work, we propose a novel Dynamic Memory Model Inversion Attack (DMMIA) to leverage historically learned knowledge, which interacts with samples (during the training) to induce diverse generations. DMMIA constructs two types of prototypes to inject the information about historically learned knowledge: Intra-class Multicentric Representation (IMR) representing target-related concepts by multiple learnable prototypes, and Inter-class Discriminative Representation (IDR) characterizing the memorized samples as learned prototypes to capture more privacy-related information. As a result, our DMMIA has a more informative representation, which brings more diverse and discriminative generated results. Experiments on multiple benchmarks show that DMMIA performs better than state-of-the-art MI attack methods

    Large Language Models are Versatile Decomposers: Decompose Evidence and Questions for Table-based Reasoning

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    Table-based reasoning has shown remarkable progress in combining deep models with discrete reasoning, which requires reasoning over both free-form natural language (NL) questions and structured tabular data. However, previous table-based reasoning solutions usually suffer from significant performance degradation on huge evidence (tables). In addition, most existing methods struggle to reason over complex questions since the required information is scattered in different places. To alleviate the above challenges, we exploit large language models (LLMs) as decomposers for effective table-based reasoning, which (i) decompose huge evidence (a huge table) into sub-evidence (a small table) to mitigate the interference of useless information for table reasoning; and (ii) decompose complex questions into simpler sub-questions for text reasoning. Specifically, we first use the LLMs to break down the evidence (tables) involved in the current question, retaining the relevant evidence and excluding the remaining irrelevant evidence from the huge table. In addition, we propose a "parsing-execution-filling" strategy to alleviate the hallucination dilemma of the chain of thought by decoupling logic and numerical computation in each step. Extensive experiments show that our method can effectively leverage decomposed evidence and questions and outperforms the strong baselines on TabFact, WikiTableQuestion, and FetaQA datasets. Notably, our model outperforms human performance for the first time on the TabFact dataset.Comment: SIGIR 202

    Iterative Forward Tuning Boosts In-context Learning in Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited an emergent in-context learning (ICL) ability. However, the ICL models that can solve ordinary cases are hardly extended to solve more complex tasks by processing the demonstration examples once. This single-turn ICL is incoordinate with the decision making process of humans by learning from analogy. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient two-stage framework to boost ICL in LLMs by exploiting a dual form between Transformer attention and gradient descent-based optimization. Concretely, we divide the ICL process into "Deep-Thinking" and inference stages. The "Deep-Thinking" stage performs iterative forward optimization of demonstrations, which is expected to boost the reasoning abilities of LLMs at test time by "thinking" demonstrations multiple times. It produces accumulated meta-gradients by manipulating the Key-Value matrices in the self-attention modules of the Transformer. Then, the inference stage only takes the test query as input without concatenating demonstrations and applies the learned meta-gradients through attention for output prediction. In this way, demonstrations are not required during the inference stage since they are already learned and stored in the definitive meta-gradients. LLMs can be effectively and efficiently adapted to downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on ten classification and multiple-choice datasets show that our method achieves substantially better performance than standard ICL in terms of both accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    TransAudio: Towards the Transferable Adversarial Audio Attack via Learning Contextualized Perturbations

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    In a transfer-based attack against Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, attacks are unable to access the architecture and parameters of the target model. Existing attack methods are mostly investigated in voice assistant scenarios with restricted voice commands, prohibiting their applicability to more general ASR related applications. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel contextualized attack with deletion, insertion, and substitution adversarial behaviors, namely TransAudio, which achieves arbitrary word-level attacks based on the proposed two-stage framework. To strengthen the attack transferability, we further introduce an audio score-matching optimization strategy to regularize the training process, which mitigates adversarial example over-fitting to the surrogate model. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of TransAudio against open-source ASR models and commercial APIs

    Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with Subjective Preference: A New Challenge and Benchmark

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    Existing multimodal task-oriented dialog data fails to demonstrate the diverse expressions of user subjective preferences and recommendation acts in the real-life shopping scenario. This paper introduces a new dataset SURE (Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with SUbjective PREference), which contains 12K shopping dialogs in complex store scenes. The data is built in two phases with human annotations to ensure quality and diversity. SURE is well-annotated with subjective preferences and recommendation acts proposed by sales experts. A comprehensive analysis is given to reveal the distinguishing features of SURE. Three benchmark tasks are then proposed on the data to evaluate the capability of multimodal recommendation agents. Based on the SURE, we propose a baseline model, powered by a state-of-the-art multimodal model, for these tasks.Comment: ACL 202

    PaCE: Unified Multi-modal Dialogue Pre-training with Progressive and Compositional Experts

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    Perceiving multi-modal information and fulfilling dialogues with humans is a long-term goal of artificial intelligence. Pre-training is commonly regarded as an effective approach for multi-modal dialogue. However, due to the limited availability of multi-modal dialogue data, there is still scarce research on multi-modal dialogue pre-training. Yet another intriguing challenge emerges from the encompassing nature of multi-modal dialogue, which involves various modalities and tasks. Moreover, new forms of tasks may arise at unpredictable points in the future. Hence, it is essential for designed multi-modal dialogue models to possess sufficient flexibility to adapt to such scenarios. This paper proposes \textbf{PaCE}, a unified, structured, compositional multi-modal dialogue pre-training framework. It utilizes a combination of several fundamental experts to accommodate multiple dialogue-related tasks and can be pre-trained using limited dialogue and extensive non-dialogue multi-modal data. Furthermore, we propose a progressive training method where old experts from the past can assist new experts, facilitating the expansion of their capabilities. Experimental results demonstrate that PaCE achieves state-of-the-art results on eight multi-modal dialog benchmarks.Comment: ACL 202

    An Investigation of LLMs' Inefficacy in Understanding Converse Relations

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success in many formal language oriented tasks, such as structural data-to-text and semantic parsing. However current benchmarks mostly follow the data distribution of the pre-training data of LLMs. Therefore, a natural question rises that do LLMs really understand the structured semantics of formal languages. In this paper, we investigate this problem on a special case, converse binary relation. We introduce a new benchmark ConvRe focusing on converse relations, which contains 17 relations and 1240 triples extracted from popular knowledge graph completion datasets. Our ConvRE features two tasks, Re2Text and Text2Re, which are formulated as multi-choice question answering to evaluate LLMs' ability to determine the matching between relations and associated text. For the evaluation protocol, apart from different prompting methods, we further introduce variants to the test text and few-shot example text. We conduct experiments on three popular LLM families and have observed various scaling trends. The results suggest that LLMs often resort to shortcut learning and still face challenges on our proposed benchmark.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 202

    VDialogUE: A Unified Evaluation Benchmark for Visually-grounded Dialogue

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    Visually-grounded dialog systems, which integrate multiple modes of communication such as text and visual inputs, have become an increasingly popular area of investigation. However, the absence of a standardized evaluation framework poses a challenge in assessing the development of this field. To this end, we propose \textbf{VDialogUE}, a \textbf{V}isually-grounded \textbf{Dialog}ue benchmark for \textbf{U}nified \textbf{E}valuation. It defines five core multi-modal dialogue tasks and covers six datasets. Furthermore, in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the model's performance across all tasks, we developed a novel evaluation metric called VDscore, which is based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process~(AHP) method. Additionally, we present a straightforward yet efficient baseline model, named \textbf{VISIT}~(\textbf{VIS}ually-grounded d\textbf{I}alog \textbf{T}ransformer), to promote the advancement of general multi-modal dialogue systems. It progressively builds its multi-modal foundation and dialogue capability via a two-stage pre-training strategy. We believe that the VDialogUE benchmark, along with the evaluation scripts and our baseline models, will accelerate the development of visually-grounded dialog systems and lead to the development of more sophisticated and effective pre-trained models